A book review of Fahrenheit 451

I recently purchased the 60th Anniversary edition of Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury’s masterpiece.  This trade paperback edition contains additional materials about the author and his writings.  The novel itself is 158 pages. This book is a gift from the past, and a warning to all of us about the future.  Ray Bradbury remarked that he had written a book about the future, and he often spent his time trying to prevent it. Cherish people. Cherish books.


Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. 2013. 249 pages.

A book review of One Breath

The poetry of Catherine Clark-Sayles allows us intimate access into two parts of her life – her daily practice of medicine and her observations as a skilled poet. Dr. Clark-Sayles’s book of poetry begins with her mil-brat childhood, progresses to her time at medical school, continues with her daily acts of practicing medicine, and ends with her and her patients coping with death. Death rounds out the four corners of this excellent first book of poetry.

Tebot Bach. 2008. 61 pages.