Interview with Robbie Walters

Robbie Walters

Where are you originally from?
Newfoundland, Canada.

What made you decide to serve in the US Military?
I wanted to serve ever since I was a kid, it was my dream job.

What branch of the military did you serve in?
United States Marine Corps.

Why did you choose that branch?
Everything they stand for, the brotherhood, the drive to be the best of the best, the mentality of the USMC being ”earned, never given.”

Where were you stationed?
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

Did you serve in OIF, OEF, or OND? If so, did you sustain any combat related injuries? If you feel comfortable, please tell me some of your experiences overseas, and any injuries you sustained.
OEF, 2012-2013, 3rd Bn 9th Marines, Combat Photographer, Southern Helmand Province, Afghanistan.

Robbie with NC Warriors

You are a member of the NC Warriors hockey team — how did you find the Warriors program? What encouraged you to join?
Word of mouth from a friend. I played hockey as a kid and was planning to get back into the sport once I was out of the Marines, once I heard about the NC Warriors I signed up immediately.

Have you always been a fan of hockey?
Yes, since I was born. Hockey is huge in Canada.

What is your favorite team?
I grew up watching and following the Hartford Whalers, Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadiens — once the Whalers became the Carolina Hurricanes I continued to follow them as well and they’re my favorite team.

Who is your favorite hockey player, and why?
99, Gretzky. No debate.

Did you play hockey before the NC Warriors?
Yes. I stopped playing around 14 years old when I moved to the United States.

You sustained a life altering accident 8 months ago. If you feel comfortable, tell me a little about the accident.
A man wasn’t paying attention and failed to yield to the right of way on-coming traffic (me) and hit me. It launched me off my motorcycle approximately 40 feet. My left foot was severed on impact and not reattachable. It also shattered my left femur clean in half and I also sustained a back fracture along with numerous scrapes, cuts and bruises.

Robbie Prosthetic Skate

You recently were able to get on the ice and skate for the first time on your prosthetic skate — how was that experience? It must have been a very emotional experience, how did you feel before, during, and after that first skate? I was there, you did amazing, and I was so proud of you!
Honestly, given everything from the accident that I’ve been having to go through, it was an amazing experience. It felt great to be back out on the ice, feel the coldness of it, the smells of the rink, the sounds of the sticks on ice, it was amazing. Before the skate, I was super nervous and worried I would be terrible and end up realizing I’d end up having to hang up my skates and never play again, but once I got out there it wasn’t so bad and although difficult and felt really weird skating on a prosthetic it just fueled my drive even more to get back to playing and putting in the effort to get back to my skill level pre-accident.

Robbie on Ice with prosthetic Skate

What are some of the things the team has done for you, to support you, and keep your morale up after the accident?
This team has done more for me than can be put into words. The brotherhood, the friendships I’ve formed, the instant “I can lend a hand with that, no problem” whenever something arises that I need help with. They’re more than just teammates to me… they’re family. The outpouring of support from them after my accident helped keep me going and keep my spirits up to want to get back out on the ice.

Robbie's First Skate with Prosthetic

What are some things you hope to see in the future with the NC Warrior hockey team?
More members. We’re growing so fast and I love it. I love seeing how many veterans are taking an interest in wanting to learn how to play and grow the sport. No better sport exists.

How has being a part of this team affected you personally?
It has brought back a sense of brotherhood I thought I wouldn’t experience anymore since I left the Marines. It’s a great morale booster being able to be around people who have gone through similar experiences as you and be able to relate to it. From the stories to the jokes to the instant willingness to help one another without thinking twice, there’s nothing like it.

Interview with Donald Urbany

Donald Urbany Closeup

Today we’re interviewing 38-year-old Donald Urbany. He lives in Mebane, North Carolina with his wife and 4 boys. Donald is an avid hockey fan and player. He currently plays with the NC Warriors and Huge Dekes Hockey team. Donald is a combat-wounded veteran who lost his right eye in Iraq as result of a car bomb attack. He overcomes the ability to only see out of one eye when he puts on his goalie helmet and steps out on the ice and stops the pucks that come flying at him from all sides of the ice.

NC Warriors

How long have you been playing hockey?
25 years.

What sparked your interest in hockey?
The Red Wings were starting to come out of the Dead Wings era of the ’70s and ’80s and all of us kids wanted to learn to play.

What was the first hockey team you played on?
My first team was a roller hockey team named the Roller Wings.

Did you play any other sport? Why did or didn’t you pursue that sport if you did?
Baseball was my first sport and I played both for a long time but the intensity of hockey kept my love for it more than baseball.

Why did you choose the position of goaltender?
As a child all of my friends loved playing street hockey and no one wanted to be the goalie as they were scared of the tennis ball we were using and since I played baseball I chose to play and I never looked back.

What types of experiences have you had through the years of playing hockey?
I have met famous hockey players like Alex Ovechkin, Olaf Kölzig, and many members of the Washington Capitals. I have played many tournaments in other states like Philadelphia and Nevada, so I have had the opportunity to travel more than I ever had before.

What was your first Warrior experience?
I started the original USA Warriors at Walter Reed in 2005. A couple of guys and I would have ice time donated to us at a local ice rink in Washington DC. We would just skate around and pass the puck. Various local teams would donate equipment to us, and eventually more people joined us, creating the team. We played against some local teams in the Washington DC area.

How long were you with that Warrior team?
I did some things with the USA Warriors through the years after I left Washington DC, but for the most part, I wasn’t officially part of the team anymore after I left. I was with them for about 3 years.

After that experience, what did you do to keep hockey an active part of your life?
I would join and play for any team that was looking for a goalie. I stayed on a local Hillsborough team for some time, we were called the Tropical Depressions.

How and when did you find the NC Warriors hockey team?
I am one of the first members of the team as Travis Harris had made a post on a local hockey page looking for veterans to start a Warriors hockey team.

What’s your jersey number, does it have any significance?
My number is now 29 — I used to be 30 after one of my favorite players, Chris Osgood. I wore that number because of Osgood and my birthday is the 30th of September, but after I had my 2nd child I changed to 29 as my first child was born on the 29th of April and the 2nd kid was born on 10-19 so I wanted to change my number to honor my children.

Number 29

Are you involved in any of the other teams?
I play for the Huge Dekes. I was just recently invited to play goalie for this team by Alex Kirchhoff, who is also on the NC Warrior team.

Is your family actively involved and supportive of you playing hockey and your hockey teams?
Yes, very. My wife and children come to every event possible. Whether just a practice or a game my wife is handling them in the stands and trying to watch me engage in my passion.

If they can’t make it my wife stays home with them even though it can be hard on her. She is a stay-at-home mom and is not only my caregiver — she cares for them almost around the clock. She hardly has time for herself and tries to be very understanding.

The Urbanys

Do you use hockey as a form of therapy?
I mainly use it as a bonding experience, until the NC Warriors were formed, I didn’t have any military peers to interact with.

Who is your all-time favorite hockey player, and why?
I don’t really have a favorite player. I love the game so much I enjoy watching anyone, as long they don’t play for the Montreal Canadians.

Anything else you would like to add?
I enjoy every moment I am with the NC Warriors on and off the ice. We have developed a great family platform and hope it never ends.

Review: Young Dillon in The Halls of Shamballah

Young Dillon

I found Young Dillon in The Halls of Shamballah (by Derrick Ferguson) hard to follow due to the constant description of minor details of the story. Various characters and locations that have little or no significance to the story were constantly described in detail and I found myself trying to find the end of the description to continue with the story. The descriptions were wonderful and detailed but would have been better if the intricate descriptions were left only for the important locations such as the temple where the Phoenix Council meet, The Andarran Tower where the Sunn Room where the Warmasters meet, Kerenos’ home, Shamballah, and the main characters of the book, except for a few eccentric characters where you would want the imagination to really take you away, introductions and descriptions would have been better off short and sweet because of everything that is going on in the book.  With the constant descriptive words, I found my imagination going into overdrive and it was almost impossible to stay connected to the story.

However, I did enjoy how the characters were connected and loyal to each other and their society. Even though some of the characters in the book were skeptical of Dillon, others had faith in him because of who his mother was and the respect they had for his mother. As I read on, I found it heartwarming that so many people wanted to keep Dillon in Shamballah, even though he was an outsider because his mother left Shamballah, he was not born in Shamballah, and his father was not from Shamballah, they wanted to keep him close because his mother meant something to the Warmasters and people of Shamballah.  Kerenos’ blind faith and the faith of others in Dillon ultimately paid off as Dillon followed in his mother’s footsteps and became a part of Shamballah.

An Interview with Travis Harris – North Carolina Warriors Hockey

Nikki and Travis harris
Nikki and Travis Harris

Travis G. Harris is the Founder/President of North Carolina Warriors.
He is a Retired 2nd Class Petty Officer.

What inspired you to create a North Carolina Warrior hockey team for veterans?

I came across a post in a veteran Facebook group, and growing up in Upper Michigan, hockey has always had a special place in my heart. Being able to couple that with giving back to other disabled veterans was an easy decision to make. I created this program, not so much as to create a big family, but more so to bring veterans together. After about 18 months of this program being in existence, it has grown far beyond the ice. These brothers and sisters have become good friends, building bonds that you had with your active duty brothers/sisters.

What were some challenges you had to overcome to get the team together?

The biggest challenge was bringing together people from different branches, with different mentalities, and different skill levels. Then add in the fact they do not all live in the Raleigh area and some are driving 2-4 hours to come play.

How did you get the word out about trying to put this team together?

Due to the fact that I was currently coaching youth travel hockey, and playing on 3 different adult league teams, I practically lived at the rink. Once I got it going, I posted in a local hockey Facebook group and that is how I met Donald Urbany who had already been playing for another USA Hockey Warrior program in Maryland. After that, I started posting in local community pages, veteran groups, and word of mouth around the rink spread quick of what we were doing.

About how many players are on the NC Warriors?

As of November 9th, 2020, we have 64 rostered disabled veterans, and 2 volunteer coaches.

Are they all from North Carolina?

All but 2 of them reside in North Carolina, the other 2 live in South Carolina.

NC Warriors Team Photo with opponents
NC Warriors Team Photo with opposing team

Do you have any long-term goals for the team? If so, what are they?

To continue to grow the program, to give back to our local communities, to give back to the veteran families in our state, and to spread the word about the greatest game in the world. Eventually we would like to create a youth hockey program that mixes veteran families with local families. A big dream of mine would be to eventually own a hockey rink of our own, that’s a stretch but it’ll be something I will always strive for.

Do you feel like you have reached most of not all of your short term goals for the team?

Looking at other USA Hockey Warrior programs around the country, I think we have progressed and grown a lot faster than most other programs and that is thanks to our members and the amazing support we get from everyone.

What has been the most rewarding part of the team thus far?

Seeing the joy on their faces on and off the ice, and the feedback I get from their families on how much this program has changed their behavior at home. I never created this program for recognition or for glory, I don’t even like taking credit for things that I do, I just like to be able to give back and know that I’ve made a difference in someone’s life.

What was the inspiration behind the Warriors logo?

The thought behind the team logo had come from the biggest military icon in North Carolina, BB-55 USS North Carolina, the most decorated warship during WWII.

How do you promote bonding with the guys on the team on and off the ice? What about the wives and girlfriends, are they close? Do you think this program has given them a good support system and group of friends as well?

We stress, over and over, that the mission of this program is always brotherhood/sisterhood first, on and off the ice. Winning is a hard thing to get military veterans not to focus on, due to our competitive nature, but over time as they are in the program longer, they start to realize what we have and leave the anger or discouragement on the ice. The wives/girlfriends have started growing closer, they had a wife’s night out this past December and have started their own Facebook group chat to keep in touch. This program has given a lot of people something to look forward to, and the friendly military banter that everyone remembers is right there with the friendship.

What is the most important thing you want to accomplish with the NC Warriors?

I want to continue finding disabled veterans that miss that brotherhood, whether they play the game of hockey or not, and show them how therapeutic playing a team sport with like-minded veterans can be. Our reach throughout the state of North Carolina is not as vast as I would like it to be. I would like to get to the point where we have a team in each major city throughout the state, where they can build up themselves to self-support while still being a part of the overall North Carolina Warriors program. This program is so much more than I could have ever expected it to grow into. I started it because I wanted to create a veteran hockey team and travel around and play other teams, this program has turned into one giant family. These veterans in the program will drop whatever they are doing to help out another member, even if they’ve never met that person before, and that’s something I never thought I’d see come from this program.

North Carolina Warriors Hockey

North Carolina Warriors Hockey


An Interview with Erik Reynolds


What was the driving force behind you writing this book?
Answer: When I began the book I was at my previous church and has someone who’d been in the faith for longer than I’d been alive say, “I don’t know how to make disciples.” He was a well-respected member fo the community and in our church. It broke my heart. I really viewed discipleship-that is essentially mentoring someone into Christian maturity, as fairly simple. So many people think you need to mark out three hours a day and have several connections. You could use several hours a day and saturate your calendar, but I found my approach to be much simpler, make disciples where God has already placed you.

I felt that my background as a Non-Commissioned Officer and mentoring Soldiers gave me a unique insight into how to raise up other Christians as I helped raise up other Army leaders.

Living and growing up in a non-Christian home, what was it that sparked your interest in spirituality?
I think everyone is spiritual in one sense or another. But the Apostle Paul writes that no one seeks after God (Romans 3:11), but I think people have an inner drive to understand what makes themselves and the world tick. I was always spiritually curious and seeking after something. I read the Bible occasionally, but it wasn’t until Basic Training that I truly heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was in that moment that I realized Jesus was the answer to all that I had been seeking. It was God’s work in changing my heart (John 3) that saw me seek after Him.

In your book you state, “Over the last few years I’ve learned that the church has not done a great job at making disciples.” Do you have any plans in place to help change that in your community, church, and or congregation as a whole? Other than writing this book?
I wish my book was enough! 🙂 But I realize it isn’t. I’ve since written a second book Discover: Ancient Truths For Today. My goal is to create resources that I can use in my local church as well as others can use in their own so that they can more easily make disciples. Go! is meant as a shock to the system while providing some practical advice on where disciples can be made. So the book is meant to help shift a mindset that says the only place to make disciples is within a church building. It does happen there, but it happens everywhere that the local church lives, works, and recreates. The Church is the people of God
and we are sent into the world to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

In addition to books, I’m hoping to provide other kinds of content. I host a weekly podcast with a good friend of mine where we try to have conversations about life, faith, and theology. We goof around while walking a tight line. We want people to understand that the Christian life isn’t meant to be sport coats and sundresses. Those things are fine, but we are anything but your stereotypical pastors with a black suit and a red tie. We try to be real and occasionally apologize when we realize we said something wrong. This is discipleship! We are sharing our lives with other people.

In addition to more books and other types of content, I also try to spend as much time present in my community as possible. I’ve coached my son’s basketball team, played hockey, and joined a disabled veterans hockey organization. I use each of those outlets as a place to be present and share Jesus. I’m careful to “shove the Bible” down people’s throats. I try to love everyone in a way that they can recognize and I’m there to answer spiritual questions as they arise. I also meet with men in my church on a regular basis to
discuss Scripture as well as life. My first focus is on my wife and kids. If I don’t get that right then the other stuff doesn’t matter.

Why do you feel the church today rarely encourages such depth and intrusiveness? Do you encourage your congregation to go out and be intrusive?
This is really a deep question because there are a number of contributing factors. I’ll just cover the top three. First, we have gotten away from the biblical practices of fellowship. In the first century the fellowship within the faith was self-sacrificing and very communal. The first Christians were totally sold-out and willing to part with anything they had to further God’s glory and care for their neighbors. They had the Apostles and early church leaders who oversaw this fellowship and when folks began to walk away, they were reminded of the hope that was found in Christ.

Secondly, the culture has deemed this type of relationship as rude. Ever since I was a kid it seemed that what people considered friendship was a lack of depth and affirming or encoring everything that friend to do whatever they pleased. So even if you thought your friend was quite clearly wrong, you affirmed them anyway. What we have within a biblical Christian fellowship is a sincere desire to see one another flourish to the glory of God. Part of that flourishing is obeying what God teaches. That means we must submit to one another out of love.

Lastly, it takes sacrifice. There are times that to care for your neighbor you will have to go without. Even if a Christian in a moment would rather not sacrifice for their brother, they will anyway, and not hold it against them. That’s a true fellowship!
The Christian life is counter-cultural, but the church over the course of time has forgotten this. We can often find greater hope in politics than Christ. We can quickly forget God is in control. Nevertheless, God remains faithful to His people and will correct our course.

What kind of advice do you give your congregation to be “Fishers of Men”? How as a man of God do you encourage the introverted people in your flock to be disciples and spread the word of God?
Most people don’t realize this but by many definitions, I’m an introvert. I love people, especially small groups like one to three. Many other pastors are as well. So when I’m around a large group of people and am looked at as having to lead the conversation or I know the eyes are on me, then it becomes a huge energy grain. I’ve even found that being in a large group of people for too long can cause me to get into a depressive state than often lasts days. So I have to be careful.

What I’ve found works for me might not work for others. I recommend to fellow introverts to simply find things that relax them and use it as a means to make disciples. So if you’re an introvert who golfs then go golfing and try to meet someone new, or bring someone that you want to intentionally share Jesus with. It’s usually a lot easier, relaxing, and it won’t feel like a chore. So I tell people to look at their lives and see who they come into contact with on a regular basis. Are those people Christians or not? For those who are Christian try to find ways that you can point them to Christ when you’re around. It is good for both of you. For the non-Christians look for opportunities to share your own story of salvation.
This is simply how you subjectively understand how God saved you.

You quote the bible “Unless one is born of water and in the Spirit, he can not enter the Kingdom of God.” I was raised in a Southern Baptist church, I accepted Christ around the age of 12, and I followed in believers baptism shortly after. I was told that baptism wasn’t a necessary step to salvation, it was more of a way to show publicly that you have been reborn. Can you elaborate on the passage of scripture?
Certainly! In that text of John 3, Jesus is explaining to a rabbi about how one enters the Kingdom of God. This is accomplished by being “born again” or “born from above.” He explains that one must have a new birth where the person’s heart is changed. Their heart is changed by a work of God and then they are able to respond to God in faith. It is the first miracle that marks the beginning of the Christian life.

You are absolutely correct that your baptism is a sign, given by God, that signals Christ’s redeeming work in your life. There’s also so much more that comes along with that. When one is baptized they are also signaling their entrance into the people of God. You are now part of a worldwide and eternal community whose purpose is to glorify God by sharing the Gospel, caring for your neighbors, and helping others in their walk with Jesus. Your baptism doesn’t erase your sin but is an open sign that Christ has already taken your sin upon Himself and endured the punishment for it.

I really liked how you compared a drill sergeant doing something for a soldier to a bible school teacher. Yes, doing it for someone else gets the job done, but doing it yourself is how you truly begin to learn and understand. How did you come up with that comparison? Was it something you experienced while in boot camp, or in a Sunday school class?
I have always been someone who observes people. I like to know what works and what doesn’t. Why doesn’t something work? Why does it work? What is the most effective and efficient way of doing something? I always found the best Drill Sergeants and Non-Commissioned Officers to be the ones who took the time to teach young Soldiers how to do something rather than just doing it for them. The same principle applies as a parent. It’s better to teach our kids to do their own laundry and cook rather than always cook for them.

If you look at the Church, we need to teach people how to pray, read their Bibles, serve their neighbors, and how to live out the Gospel. I can’t live out the Gospel for you. You are called to serve Jesus and my role as a Pastor is to equip you so that you can walk and serve Him as well. That can work out differently depending on your local church’s context, but the principle is the same. Some churches accomplish this by digital studies that focus on training people how to understand the historical and grammatical context of a passage. Other churches might train people to study the Bible through one-on-one mentorship.

“God saves who he wants affording to his own will and not our own regardless of their background.” What does this mean exactly? Wasn’t it MY choice to accept Christ and follow him? Weren’t we given free will to choose him or sin? If “God saves who he wants”, do we really not have a choice?
There are books that have been written in order to answer this question. , However, I’ll try to answer it succinctly. Two books I’d recommend: Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer and Discover Ancient Truths For Today by me. So let me answer your questions with one word and then provide a bit of nuance. When discussing theology, which is the study of God and His creation, nuance is very important. Oftentimes, one-word answers don’t provide a complete answer.

Was it your choice to accept Christ and follow Him? Yes!

Do we have free will? Yes!

If God saves who He wants then do we really have a choice? Yes!

For God to save regardless of background is to say that the Gospel saves unaffected by race, past religion, or economic background.

Commonly we look at the Scriptures and see that our will is bound by sin. Our inclinations are to rebel against God as displayed by Adam in the Garden of Eden. We don’t want to follow God and worship Him. We want to worship ourselves. R.C. Sproul writes, “He (God) intervenes to change the disposition of the hearts of spiritually dead people by His Holy Spirit.” This is called effectual calling where God changes the hearts of people so that they can truly be free to choose to follow Him. Prior to this calling, they aren’t free to choose Him because they were imprisoned by their sin.

So when I came to believe in Christ it happened over a long period of time. For years I read the Bible intermittently and I was searching. It was God drawing me closer to Him. Then one day His Holy Spirit changed my heart so that I could truly see my sinfulness and need for Him. I was able to turn from my sin and trust in Christ.

One final question, you are a member of the NC Warriors Hockey Team. Have you tried to minister to the guys on the team? DO you ask for a word of prayer together before a game or practice to ask the Lord to keep the guys safe and strong on the ice?
Not only am I a member, but I also serve as the team Chaplain. What that means I’m still trying to figure out. I know that it has at least given me opportunities to minister to guys off the ice. I’ve had countless conversations with guys about faith and their struggles in life. Some ask me about Jesus while others simply want to talk about their emotional and psychological wounds from war. My approach has simply been to be present and available. We have two other pastors on the team, so I try to talk with them as well to see how we can care for the team. At the beginning of COVID we each took several names of guys and reached out to check in and see how they were doing. This was back when everything was locked down way more than it is now.

I pray before games to keep everyone safe, even if it’s just to myself. In my experience in the Army, I realized that this approach with the guys was most effective. Most importantly I pray that God would use me to be a witness to these guys. That my life would reflect His love, grace, and mercy. I can get excited easily and sometimes act in ways different than when I’m not playing a sport. I need God to remind me that I’m here to serve Him and the guys, not myself.

Possibly ask him for a win here and there??
Like for real, right?! I think it’s because the other teams have better Chaplains. The NC Warriors are an interesting bunch. Very few are actually from North Carolina and the majority are from all over the country. We even have one that’s from Canada and he’s the most redneck of anyone I know! One of the things I’ve learned from being a pastor and serving in the military is that teams find their identity when they give up their own. Each skater on the ice has to learn to set aside themselves and their identity in order for the team’s identity to take shape. That takes time. We’ve had some success, especially when we were in Las Vegas. But I’m very optimistic for the future as we come together as brothers and sisters.